Academic research on teen sexuality and parenthood, according to Stefanie Mollborn, is either statistical analysis of large-survey data or. mixed messages about teen sex. Stefanie Mollborn. Institute of Behavioral Science and the sociology department at the University of Colorado. Mixed Messages: Norms and Social Control around Teen Sex and Preg- nancy. By Stefanie Mollborn. New York: Oxford University Press, Pp. xii
Mixed Messages: Norms and Social Control around Teen Sex and Pregnancy, by Stefanie Mollborn ‘Nice’ kids are still being told not to do ‘it’, setting off a dangerous dissembling, says Angelia Wilson. 七月 27, Angelia R. Wilson. Twitter: @AngeliaWilson Share on twitter;. Mixed Messages book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Sex is bad. Unprotected sex is a problem. Having a baby would be a disaster. Sex is an enduring feature and fascination of adolescence, as scholars, teachers, parents, and teenagers themselves can attest. In Mixed Messages: Norms and Social Control around Teen Sex and Pregnancy, Stefanie Moll-born uses in-depth interviews to analyze conflicting social norms guiding teen sexual behavior as they play out through the linked.
Mixed Messages: Norms and Social Control around Teen Sex and Pregnancy, by Stefanie Mollborn ‘Nice’ kids are still being told not to do ‘it’, setting off a. Angelia R. Wilson is professor of politics at the University of Manchester. Mixed Messages: Norms and Social Control around Teen Sex and Pregnancy. By Stefanie Mollborn. Oxford University Press, pp, £ and £ ISBN and Published 6 April how messages are mixed. Teens hear messages about sex that are mixed in several ways. Both the moral and practical messages are internally inconsistent. They start out with a similar norm discouraging teen sex but combine it with different norms in ways that can seem contradictory to teens.
Academic research on teen sexuality and parenthood, according to Stefanie Mollborn, is either statistical analysis of large-survey data or qualitative research with a particular high-risk community. Of course, such examination of the average or the mainstream runs the risk of navel-gazing. But Mollborn manages to articulate her arguments expertly while avoiding this pitfall. Her search for normal, or more precisely sexual normativity, lands in the American heartlands — a university campus of a city in the Western US. Through individual interviews, about students recall how social norms were communicated to them during their high-school years.